The FDCPA Protects YOU from Debt Collectors
Most families are a paycheck or two away from financial hardship. When just one thing goes south, families can have had a hard time keeping a roof over their heads and food on the table. All too often, there just isn’t enough money left over to pay the bills. This can lead to consumers falling prey to unscrupulous bill collectors who will go to any length to get folks to pay up.
If you’re receiving debt collection letters or debt collection agency phone calls, it’s imperative that you understand your debt collection rights. Knowledge is power, and when you know the difference between legal and illegal debt collector behavior, you can draw a line in the sand and let debt collection agencies know that they can’t threaten you.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)
The primary law that protects you is the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Originally enacted in 1978, the FDCPA outlines exactly what debt collectors and debt collection agencies can and cannot do in an attempt to collect a debt. It also outlines your right to dispute a debt, and the responsibility of the bill collector to prove that the debt is yours to pay.
Follow a link below to learn more about your debt collection rights, or how to formulate your own bill collector action plan.
Important Terms
Original Debt vs. Third-Party Debt – The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act regulates third-party debt collectors. Learn the difference between first- and third-party debt collection.
How Debt Collectors Find You – Debt collectors employ a number of tactics to track down consumers. Learn more about your digital footprint, data mining, and third-party contacts, along with cases of mistaken identity.
Illegal Debt Collection Practices – The FDCPA specifies debt collection practices that are illegal. Learn more about how debt collectors may violate the law by harassing you, threatening you, or misleading you.
5-Day Debt Validation Notice – Within five days of initially contacting you, the law states that a bill collector has to send you a written notice. Learn about the information that the notice must contain and how to avoid default judgment.
30-Day Dispute Period – Once you receive the first written notice from a bill collector, you have 30 days to dispute the debt. Learn why and how to dispute a debt, and what to do after the debt dispute.
Your Debt Collector Action Plan – If you’re being contacted by debt collectors, you need a plan. Learn about the eight steps you can take to regain control of the situation.
How to Stop Debt Collectors – Ready to stop debt collectors in their tracks? Learn the three primary ways to stop bill collector abuse.
How to Sue a Bill Collector – Suing a bill collector may seem like a daunting ordeal, but we do it all of the time. The FDCPA gives you the right to sue a debt collection agency that violates the law. Learn how to sue a bill collector, and why having a fair debt attorney represent you may be better than going it alone.
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