The FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) regulates illegal debt collection practices. It provides very specific rules about what third-party debt collectors can and cannot do when it comes to collecting debts. Unfortunately, most people don’t know their rights under the FDCPA law and are all too often victims of debt collector abuse.

Broadly speaking, the FDCPA law forbids debt collection agencies from harassing you, embarrassing you, threatening you, and misleading you. It’s designed to preserve your dignity and respect, as well as to ensure that you actually owe the money the debt agency is trying to collect.
Collector laws like the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) prohibit debt collectors from abusing you, threatening you, or embarrassing you when they attempt to collect a debt.
At The Prado Law Firm we help people get the compensation they deserve when their rights have been violated under collector laws. Collector laws like the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act provides consumers with a way to fight back against debt harassment. Under the FDCPA, you can sue debt collectors for debt harassment and recover up to $1,000.
What Is A Violation Of The FDCPA? (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act)
Which illegal debt collection practices would you like to learn about?
Harassing You – The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) law prohibits debt collectors from harassing you. Learn what constitutes telephone harassment under the law, and how to stop debt collector harassment.
Embarrassing You – Falling behind on your bills is nothing to be ashamed of. Nevertheless, debt collectors may try to embarrass you into paying debts you don’t even owe. Learn more about how debt collectors might violate the FDCPA by embarrassing you.
Threatening You – Unscrupulous debt collectors count on the fact that most consumers don’t know their rights, and scare them with threats in order to try and get them to pay. Learn more about the threats that debt collection agencies may use in violation of the FDCPA law.
Misleading You – The FDCPA law says that debt collectors can’t mislead you. That doesn’t stop many of them from trying. Learn more about the ways in which debt collectors might try and trick you into providing information or making a payment.